Dreams Random Thoughts

Do Subliminal Audios Really Change Your Body?

Subliminal audios can be found on YouTube by just looking them up. If you want to grow your hair, lose weight or change your eye color, just listen to them for 10 minutes.

That’s right- today we’re gonna talk about subliminal audios that change you completely.

What are subliminal audios?

So far, from what I have picked up, they are songs (or noises) with affirmations playing lowly under the music/noise. Affirmations are a series of phrases being said at the same time that say positive things about what you want to change so that your subconscious can pick them up and start to believe them, leading to your body doing as requested.

For example, if you want to change your eye color from brown to grey, the affirmations that will be playing under the music can say:

  • My eyes are grey
  • My eyes are beautiful
  • My eyes are changing
  • etc.

Now, you cannot hear the affirmations, which is why music is placed over the affirmations. The reason you cannot hear them is so that your subconscious accepts the affirmations, which is why music is played over them, so it can trick your mind into thinking that all you’re listening to is music when in reality- you’re listening to a bunch of phrases that will benefit you. In other words, these affirmations are convincing your mind that they are true to the point in which changes actually start to happen.

Now, there is a huge haul of these audios for everyone’s needs. From losing weight, changing your eye color, getting a deeper voice, getting smarter, getting a better memory, growing longer hair, getting a prettier nose, bigger lips, thinner lips, you name it, there is a subliminal for it.

Of course, there are testimonies for all of this, for example, this one:

This is the video that introduced me to the world of subliminal audios. Now, I would never try a subliminal for changing my eye color, but what I have tried is:

Hair growth.

And guess what? It did grow. My hair grew after listening to this one subliminal audio for about a week. Now, I don’t have pictures for it because I was just doing it out of straight curiosity BUT I am willing to go on and track my progress in my hair growth after listening to these audios.

Do they work then? According to comment sections, yes they do if you believe that they will work and to keep in mind that some people may get results slower than others. Some may get results in months while others in weeks and some in days.

Basically, keep your hopes up.

Also, you gotta stick to it. You gotta listen to these audios as much as you can and stay consistent with them.

So, what are y’all thoughts on all of this? Skeptical? Possible?

I in the personal do know that we have the power to transform everything in our surrounding, so why not interpret that as our mind having the power to transform us into what we desire?

Do you think I’m crazy or would you also try this out?

In the end, remember that us as humans, don’t understand how our minds work to the fullest. There are still things about humans that science cannot explain, and may never be able to. I think it’s good to open up to new things, to new possibilities. Even if we don’t believe, it is still good to explore, ya know? Learn something new and interesting.

I hope that this post was that something new and interesting that you learned today. 🙂

Thank you for reading.

Dreams life Random Thoughts Uncategorized

Cacophony In The Mind

Everyday I get up and go

Everyday I walk and I run

I’m here I’m there I’m everywhere

I’m always hearing everything of everything

Chitter chatter, laughter, music, everything

From kids screaming to kids crying

I can work it out, though

I can quiet all the noises

But there is a problem:

How can I quiet the mind?

Sometimes at night all I hear is my thoughts

Sometimes I hear my dreams

Which I don’t mind

But sometimes I hear the memories

The bad ones

So vividly and clear

And many, many times

I just hear them all talking at once

A cacophony of sounds from memories

Of things I will never forget

But things that I am grateful of

In a way, I am.



Dreams life Random Thoughts

If I Could Sail

If I were to sail the world, if I could, I would go to many, many places and do many things while I’m at it.

But do you know where I would go first? Where I would go and observe the beauty?

To the middle of the ocean.

Just, go with a sail boat to the middle of the ocean, lay a towel on the boats floor and lay there watching the birds and the clouds go by, as I feel the ocean waves rocking my boat.

Feel the suns rays while they shine on me, how warm the hugs from the sun feel. How they burn my skin, and make me even more sun kissed than what I already am.


But hey, I’ll enjoy it. Do you know why? Because I’ve never seen the ocean.

Being so close to it, literally 2 hours away, I haven’t gone.

If I could sail the world, I would go to many islands and sit on the sand, collect seashells and watch the sunset. I would go swimming in the oceans water, dive into coral reefs and even though I find sharks cute, let’s try to stay away from them.

This summer I would love to go to the beach and see the ocean, but sadly, once again…

The closest to an ocean that I will be getting to is a pool, rivers and springs.

Oh well, I do enjoy walking in the middle of the jungle to get to a spring! I love driving for 2 hours to get to Crystalline water-filled rivers, and I enjoy getting chlorine in my eyes at pools ().

But one day, one day.

I’ll be on a sail boat.

In the middle of the ocean.


Not alone of course that would probably scare me after sometime hahahaha…..

Dreams life Stories

Plastic Slogger

Oh, look it’s my hopes and dreams!

Wow, how bright and real do they look!

Ah, they will come true?

But I got to work hard for it? Ok!

No problem!

All I have to do is work hard, really hard!

I’ll just count the hours that pass by.

One…two…three..four…four hours have passed.

The place I’m working at is closing.

I’ll call it a day.

Oh, look! I’m dreaming about my dreams!


I must work hard for them! I have hopes for them!

I must do it, because it is what I want.

one…two…three…I want a break, I’ve been standing here for too long.

Hm, who is this?

Ah, someone new!

A party? Sure!

Dress me up for the occasion, baby!

I’ll show you the perfect thing to wear to it!

She loved it.

Another satisfied customer!

I am really working hard!

I dreamed about my dreams again.

But today I have to skip work, it’s not my shift.

Someone else is coming in to do my job today.

So I’ll just stay here, in the dark and wait for tomorrow. I have nothing better to do.

One…two….I’m tired.

I feel like I’m going to faint…

Oh no…I’m falling over…

…I’m up.

My coworkers picked me up.

Thank you!

Well, it’s been fun to mess around, but time for what I want!

One….two….three…Oh well, people think it’s stupid anyways.

No one ever hears me.

No one ever listens to me.

No one stops to ask me if I’m okay.

One…two…oh no, all the hope I had flew away in just two hours.

Well, now what?

I have nothing better to do.

Well, I actually do, so…

Why not do it?


I’ll just stop trying.

It’s useless, my hopes and dreams are impossible!

People see my face in expensive clothing stores.

All I do is let people use me.

Fashion designers use me to advertise their clothes.

Makeup artist use me as a mask for their expensive line of cosmetics.

Hair stylist use me as a styling wig.

But I’m nothing more than a living mannequin.

Why do I have this?

All I wanted was to be happy.

All I wanted was my hopes and dreams.

All I wanted was to see the outside world.

All I wanted was to live like a normal person.

All I wanted…

Was to be a human.

Hello, this is the first time I post in about a week I think, not sure. I’ve been busy but I always find a time for my blog, and that time was given to me today. 🙂 Hope you enjoyed!

So according to my knowledge, slog is to work hard for many hours so..ya’ know, a mannequin that works super hard for many many hours in a store and that doesn’t really progress? I guess it can do the trick? I don’t know.

Me and my imagination. :v

Dreams life Stories Uncategorized

The Wind Whispers

“You only hear the music when your heart begins to break”

– “The Kids from Yesterday”

                                                                               by My Chemical Romance.

Tick, tock, the time goes by.

I don’t even remember what we used to do all day.

The leaves start falling off the trees sooner or later.

And with the leafs, you fall.

A summer within, lost in heaven.

The leaves of the trees swing to the rhythm that you beat.

They dance with the rhythm that you dance, they follow your every move.

They even fall, along with you.

They even fly away in the wind, along with you.

I swear that I can still hear you in the wind.

I swear that I still see you dancing with the trees.

Are you out there?

Your voice resonates throughout paradise.

But it haunts throughout my dreams.

But I swear, that I am still listening.

A million branches, and she loved every one.

A few dead trees, but to her they are all evergreen.

You had to leave me, huh?

Running through the wind.

Flying with the birds.

A blueberry pie for your birthday.

It was your favorite.

But you rejected me and decided to accept the apple pie.

And the apple pie was given to you by a sinner…

Who decided to be the one to take you from me…

But you were the one who decided to leave in the first place.

And now you are stuck in time, up ahead in the skies flying high.

Your soul is evergreen now.

You are dancing with the flowers, and your every move gets me going.

You are whispering to me in the wind, as in trying to lure me to you.

I am always hearing, oh all the many things that you say to me.

Don’t worry, I will always keep you alive in my heart, but now it’s time for the leafs to leave with the wind.

And with the wind, you.

But when you come back, don’t worry, I’ll always be waiting.

But this time you won’t come back with the seasons, this time you’ll come back with the wind.

And with the wind, my memories.

And with the wind, the rain.

And with the rain, your tears.

Don’t worry, I forgive you.

It is never too late to forgive.

You caress me with a breeze, and that’s how I know it’s you.

When the wind comes around, I start to see you wandering through the forest.

I start to hear your voice in the wind.

I swear that I can still see you.

 I swear that I can still feel you.

I swear, that I can still hear you.

Please don’t hesitate in speaking to me.

I have forgotten what your voice sounds like, so please remind me.

I’ll always be listening.

I’ll always be watching.

I’ll always be yours.

And one day, you will take me with you.

 This was inspired by Pierce The Veil’s song: Hold on Till May and Gold Medal Ribbon. 

Taking the lyrics “A million branches and she loves everyone” from Hold on Till May and “I swear that I can hear you in the wind” being from Gold Medal Ribbon.

Gold Medal Ribbon is a song dedicated to the girlfriend of the lead vocalist of the band Pierce the Veil (Vic Fuentes) who passed away during the recording of their newest album Misadventures.

Hold on Till May is a song dedicated to one of Vic’s friends who would get neglected as a child and would always climb up a tree and hide there until late to see if her parents searched for her.

I suggest checking out the songs, as they are both very heart touching and make me sad sometimes due to such lyrics..which is when I remembered the lyrics “You only hear the music when your heart begins to break” from MCR’s song The Kids from Yesterday which I also recommend. ^^ Note that Pierce The Veil is a post-hardcore band and MCR ( My Chemical Romance) is a rock band, but the music genre doesn’t matter if you know how to appreciate a good song and good lyrics. ♥

By the way…is it leaves or leafs?


art Dreams life

Deep Doodles

A sheet of paper.

White, crispy clean. It gives you goosebumps when you run your fingernails down it.

A nice, sharp pencil. How sharp it is, perfect for adding details.

Every stroke you give the paper, like a caress.

Now now, erase gently, you don’t want the paper to loose it’s texture.

One, two, three, moving your wrist back and forth.

Drawing with the heart, not with the hand.

Your eardrums can only hear the music that gives you inspiration, but at the same time all you hear is silence in the background.

It’s like the world doesn’t exist. 

You feel at ease, you feel…calm.

All of your stress is gone. It is amazing what a doodle can do.

One, two, three. Picking different tones of the same color.

People may only see the same color, but to your eyes, it’s more than just one color.

Observing with your mind, not with your eyes.

So many colors to choose from…

Reds, greens, blues, even grays. 

Some aren’t even visible to some eyes. 

But they are seeing with their eyes, not with there heart and mind.

The depth of a dark blue color, how it adds dimensions.

The perfect flawless skin you gave the woman, using orange, pink, yellow and purples. 

Those eyes full of light and emotions.

Your doodle has more life and meaning than most humans. 

One, two, three, different paint brushes.

How the colors bleed.

How you are able to dominate them.

Drawing is not just going to some art class…

Drawing is having the passion. 

Drawing gives you more skills like painting and coloring.

It allows you to master art material, all surfaces and all colors.

Ah, but keep in mind that a good artist doesn’t need the most expensive tools.

A true artist never blames his or hers tools. 

A true artist doesn’t need the best tools. They work with that they have.

A true artist, starts on their own. With no one to help. 

They take risk, ah, how wonderful is the feeling of mixing colors that you never thought possible to mix and blend well together since they don’t “match each other”

Every color matches with each other. 

There is no such thing as an ugly color.

Artist, like to go in depth.

And are not afraid to go in it.

And that depth, is there mind, there heart, there passion, there senses. 

Not everyone is blessed with the skills of mastering a pencil.

An artist explores their imagination, an artist makes the dreams that they see come into reality. An artist draws what he or she hears, what he or she sees, what he or she smells, what he or she touches, what he or she tastes, what he or she remembers.

We are able to even draw people who don’t even exist in reality, but they do in our mind.

And we let them come out and play, to let them see the world and for the world to see them.

We let the world know what we feel, what we see when we close our eyes.

Our emotions. 

It’s like the only way we can express ourselves. 

Our only escape.

Artwork by Madison, Instagram: cooly_kid666 visit her Instagram to view more amazing artwork from her

Inspired by my friend Madison who is the gal who drew that illustration, isn’t it amazing?

Please check her out!

Dreams life Stories

There Will Be Thunder Tonight

Cold nights and warm fingers.

Run them through my hair gently. It was 11:59 p.m.

When the rain started.

It fell down on us. It was a fun way to start the day. Bright and early.

I opened my eyes to the rain.

Friends and a family dinner. 

As we sit down next to each other at the dinner table. It is filled with all my family. How they love your company.

A bright smile. A bright computer screen. 

The only way I can communicate with you during the night, the hours I spend with you go by too quickly.

Cloudy sky and a Church Sunday. 

Our families meet each other along with the rest of the town folks. We go inside and listen to the preach, begging for forgiveness for our sins.

A handshake that we give to each other. A penny that we give to the basket. A smile that we share.

Cold days and warm hands. 

Today I will visit you. 

Today there is no one home at your house. But that’s alright, it’s not the first time we’re alone.

But it will be the first time for something else.

The door squeaks as we exit and sit at the steps of your front porch and watch the rain together. I play with your long blonde hair.

That’s when we collide.

I open my eyes to yours. 

Sunshine and long hair. 

We go together joining hands to our secret hide out. Our hair hanging behind our back. yours is longer than mine, though. It is straight, long and a beautiful tone of blond. How I love it.

We reach our hideout, which is an old abandoned tree house. We climb the tree and go inside. You braid my curly black hair. We embrace each other.

We spend the afternoon together.

Secrets and dark nights.

We didn’t see each other today. You went out to visit your cousins. I was sad today, I missed those diamond blue eyes.

Sleeping. Covered under blankets and bed sheets. Alone in my room with the dark and the moon light. I hear a knock on my window.

I wake up to see that you have climbed up the ladder outside my bedroom window. I get up and let you in.

5:57 a.m.

I open my eyes to you.

Whispering and wind.

The town whispers and looks at us whenever we go to town. I wondered why, but I know why.

They know. 

All secret is always known, especially in such a small town. Today we went to church. We weren’t greeted like usual. We asked for forgiveness for our sins.

But our love, is not a sin. 

The whispers are carried away by the wind, lets keep it that way.

Mud and dirt.  

Mud and dirt is what is left behind after a rainstorm. Mud and dirt is what people throw at us, but in the form of words and looks.

Why can’t they just let us love each other? What is so wrong with our love?

Lullabies and blankets. 

We spend our days together in our tree house. We can no longer go to each others houses, we are not welcome. Mother cries at the dinner table and father doesn’t speak to me. The same with my lover.

We are not welcomed into church anymore. Our love isn’t want the church wants. Our love isn’t what they desire.

She can’t take it anymore.

Footprints and puddles.

I follow your footprints that were left behind by you in the mud. I know their yours. You haven’t spoken to me in a day, you haven’t messaged me to meet up. I find you in the woods behind a tree.

I wipe your tears away, and we kiss behind the tree.

Thunder and hail. 

I chase after you. Running like crazy in the hail storm. Leaves blowing everywhere and hitting me in the face. I love you, please don’t leave me.

You trip and fall, and I help you up.

Cold nights and warm fingers.

I run them through your hair gently.

It was 11:59 p.m.

I kiss you and hold your hands. Don’t worry, everything will be okay. I promise. Just hold on until we can run away together.

You don’t agree. Honey, if I were you, I would put that away. You don’t need it. Don’t think about the people around us.

But maybe that way, we can be happy. together, forever. I close my eyes and kiss you. Your lips were cold.

I open my eyes, to nothing.

Pitch black. Where are you? I’ll just close my eyes and wait until you wake up.

12:00 a.m.

I hear rain. I feel rain. I smell the scent of wet dirt all around me.

I open my eyes, to the rain storm. 

You are no longer in front of me. Where are you? I get up and run to search for you.

Where am I? There’s flowers all around, the lagoon is brighter than ever, everything is in peace and silence.

You come out of your house and run towards me. You embrace me and say “Welcome to paradise”.

Now we are together forever, where no one will ever bother us. Where no one will ever judge us or try to separate us.

Our love is not a sin. It never was and never will.

Warm days and rainy nights.


Dreams life Stories

I’ll be waiting

I tried, I tried, to make you cry, to make you love me.

All you had to do was say yes.

You don’t see it, but I do see it.

But when will you see it.

But don’t worry, I’ll wait. You will eventually see it.

Do I have to make you see it?

You don’t deserve to be treated like this.

Please don’t force me to do it.

This girl isn’t good for you, but if you want t be with her, it’s for a reason.

I may seem like a sweet person,

but every sweet person has a dark side.

Don’t worry, I will not make you forget about her.

She doesn’t need you, she doesn’t deserve you.

If you are happy with her, then I am happy.

What do I have to do to make you realize that?

All I want to see is you smiling.

Don’t force me to do it, please.

I’ll be waiting for you.

I know the perfect way to make you love me.

Sometimes you don’t remember that you have me, though.

Please don’t force me to do it.

But don’t worry, I will always be there for you.

Well, I have no choice. Too bad.

I know that you do care about me.

The deepness of an intelligent mind.

I know that you’re always busy with your lovely relationship.

Me realizing that I am dying slowly.

But I am always there whenever she’s not.

While you live on happily, but with the wrong person.

And I will always be there.

I need you by my side.

I’ll be waiting for you.

I must have you for me, therefore,

I must get rid of everyone who is in my way.

The sun, the sun, how it illuminates my skin.

A plan.

How it makes me see you clearly.

A well planned plan.

The realization of you coming closer to me.


One day you will realize that i’m the one for you.

She will have to go.

And no one else.

Don’t worry, she’ll be fine with me for a few days.

I just have to give you and your gal sometime.


Patience is the key.

She is gone.

Oh well, she didn’t want to accept to leave you alone,

so I had to get rid of her.

I’ll be waiting.

Don’t worry, I’m not stupid.

I will make sure to hide all the evidence.

Flowers, so colorful and filled with live and vivid dreams.

I must always be with you.

I cannot let anything get in my way.

How the petals fall into the palms of your hands.

I’ll make it look like a suicide, I promise.

You know, if you were to say you loved me…

Don’t worry, she didn’t suffer. She didn’t die slowly.

Oh I would say yes.

Don’t cry, now. Remember that you have me.

I would say yes.

You have always had me, but you’re just blind.

How beautiful do the lights look on your dark, black eyes.


How they illuminate your smile even more.

I’ll make sure that you forget about her.

The rain, how it pours down so happily.

Ah, I knew it. I knew that my plan would work.

It washes away all of the sadness.

It was all just part of my mind, though.

To give us a new start.

This is just what I imagine it will be like.

School, everything seems so normal.

Remember that I’m a woman.

The only difference is people ranting over problems.

I can easily make you fall for me.

They have seemed to affected you.

You’re so adorable, so clueless.

Don’t worry, I’m here for you, remember?

But I love you!

Not like your little lover, who just left you.

And you will finally be mine.

She treated you badly, anyways.

No more having to watch how you embraced

that other girl.

Now you start to see it.

Now I will be the one to embrace you.

But don’t worry, i’ll be waiting for you.

Everything at it’s time.

Aw, what a nice day to take a hike.

Just wait for it.

We found a river, with crystal clear water.

In the meantime, I shall lure her into me.

We sat along the edge of the river together and held hands.

She fell for it.

You seem sad about your girlfriend not appearing, though.

She knows it’s me who is doing this to her.

Don’t worry, I promise she will be okay, she will come back.

Like I imagined, a suicide.

That seemed to make you happy, and we held hands.

One, two, three.

Do you remember?

My face is the last thing you will see.

Do you remember me now?

Wow, what a sad day today.

It is finally done.

I picked out a black dress today.

I must pretend that i’m sad.

Not for you, but for her.

I made sure to pick out something lovely.

Why did she leave you like this?

Ah, what a nice weather!

I understand her sadness, though.

She spent her last days sad.

We have all gone through bad times, but some people go through worse.


And decide there’s only one way out.

My desperation.

My hug to you made you seem happier, though.

But it was worth it.

My hug made you cry, but made you feel warm inside.

Because a well made plan, brings

it’s  awards.

Don’t worry, like I said before, I will always be there for you.


My wait is for you.


Time has gone by, a few months.

I hope you feel good about yourself.

I have helped you to move on, i don’t want to see you sad.

You are falling for me..

You are happier now, which is my happiness.

Ah, how love has it’s ways!

Today we shared a stare into each others eyes.

It is time.

I think I’m ready now.

Come to me.

My wait is you.

But that wait, is now over.

You finally realized that I love you.

Patience and determination is the key to everything.

We have embraced each other ever since then.

Things happen for a reason.

Ah, the greatness of a dark mind!


Well, sorry if it doesn’t make sense. It’s supposed be like, told through 2 different ways. One that she wants the dude to see, and the other is what she actually sees. Hope it made sense. c:










Dreams life

A Tour Through My Imagination

Are you looking for somewhere to go pull up a tourist face in a gift shop? Do you not know where to go because you’ve been to all the places that I want to go to but probably won’t go to in like 10 years? No worries, because you can take a tour through the most amazing and scary place in the world:


Oh, whats that? You got tickets to go to some cool beach? Yeah, well too bad. Now get in my mind!

Welcome to my imagination! I hope you enjoyed my cheesy introduction, but we are just getting started. So step right up and hop into the boat as we start our tour!

First stop: Memories.

So, first we have the Memories stop. This part plays a very important role in my imagination since memories are what get’s my inspiration and such going. Sadly, some bits of it are missing. Why, you may ask? It’s because all the missing memories are stored away somewhere deeper…

Second stop: Creativity.

Obviously, having an imaginations means having creativity, some people have it more than others but that’s alright. My creativity starts from my inspiration and ideas that I get, lots of creativity I like to unleash it onto some paper with a pencil or a paint brush and many beautiful colors, or write it down here in this blog.

Third stop: Daydreams.

Ah, the daydreams haunt me. I’m a veeery imaginative person. Throughout all day I am daydreaming without even wanting to or anything. It starts off with a certain thought, emotion, aspiration or ambition which then evolves into a new story that is going on in my mind. What do I dream about during daytime? Well, there is always something new. I can day dream about me getting a good score on an exam, me becoming famous, the end of the world, what would happen if I had super powers, mystical lands that don’t exist anywhere only inside my mind where rainbows are everywhere and unicorns are exploding and a very creepy song is playing with a certain word haunting me for days. I am slowly going crazy. Moving on!

Fourth stop: Ideas.

No it’s not the same as creativity, creativity is having the ability to think and act creatively if that makes sense and creativity first starts up with an idea. I can have good ideas and bad ideas, but I usually tend to think about it first before I destroy humanity or something. Ideas include ideas for my blog post. Now, ideas are made possible due to inspiration or a situation, which is what births out the ideas. Then, depending on the idea, you can use creativity to make it a thing. Isn’t it amazing how you can think of something and create it? That is if you don’t mess up though….

Fifth stop: The dark.

So this is where all my fears live in my imagination. I know it may contain my fears and awful thoughts, but that’s also from where I get some inspiration sometimes for certain drawings or blog post. Mostly for drawings.

Sixth stop: Dreams

So this is the part when I dream while asleep. Most of my dreams are weird but I like to think of them as a parallel universe in which I get to visit and live in inside my sub conscious. Sometimes dreams are based of things that have happened in my life, sometimes they give me messages like the one I talk about on  the  Dream Diaries: Falling post ( click 2 read, m8 ). That dream I believe gave me a religious message, as in the end of falling and hitting the pavement to my death I hit against a body of cold water in which I’m drowning and appear in a beautiful white dress instead of the black dress I had on beforehand. I’m not even religious. But oh well, thanks for the dream, God!

I think that dreams play a huge part of my imagination, since from them I can get inspiration and think about it and realize stuff and replay them. In some dreams, I can control the world around me ( also known as Lucid dreaming, when you realize you are in a dream and control the world), or in others I don’t know what happened until they come back to me in real life as a form of a Déjà vu. Weird.

Seventh stop: Your stop.

Alright, trips over. I know it was probably cheesy, even more cheesy than the word cheesy which probably makes you cringe but hey at least it was free, right? Now, run along now, fellow reader! Go out and enjoy your summer vacations at a nice beach with white sand and the beautiful ocean!

Unless if you work at a retail shop then….yeah I don’t think you know what vacations are…probably.

I’m sorry. Thanks for reading!