life Uncategorized

2018? 2019!

Aaaaye it’s me again! I’ve been busy with some personal stuff but here I am to say a goodbye to 2018 on my blog and to welcome the new year!

Let’s see, this 2018 I feel like I didn’t post much, but hopefully I will in 2019. I wanna get stuff organized this new year to have time for everything that I want to do. I feel like I could have done many stuff this year but I’m happy with the way things always ended up to be, I had a nice year. 🙂

Hope all of you out there too! Be grateful for everything that you have in your life; your friends and family, your home, work, school, whatever it is, be grateful for it. Take good care of yourselves! Remember to rest when you need to, work hard for your goals and try to stay positive through everything that the new year will bring you. You can do it. 🙂

Thanks for reading my blog through this year, there will be more to come soon, I promise!

Have a good new year. 🙂 ❤

With love, me.

Random Random Thoughts Uncategorized

Daddy Issues

I was 16 when I got kicked out,  my daddy threw me out. I don’t know why, I guess he was tired of my shit. My mother was a hardworking woman, who I still love and visit frequently to this day. I love her, and I love my siblings, too. Sadly, I got kicked out at 16.

Daddy never liked me, I don’t know why though.

Out of the 5 kids, he never hugged me. He never kissed me. In the contrary, he would leave me alone, he would leave me out while he played with my brothers and sisters. He would yell at me, hit me, not buy me any dolls like he did with my sisters, neither any toy cars like he did with my brothers. It was sad, I was sad. I was always sad.

I grew up into my teen years, and he would try to control me. Like if he suddenly cared or something. He wouldn’t let me go out, so I would sneak out. One day, I met a dude. A handsome guy, a guy I became close friends with. He was a bit older than me, but in the end, we ended up liking each other.

A pack of cigarettes in between both of us as we lay in his car, in the cold night, gazing at the sky above us.

I loved him. He gave me love, he gave me attention. I was happy. Until one day, one day, my daddy saw me with him and dragged me into our house by my hair. He yelled “Who the fuck is that?”. My momma ran out and so did my siblings because I was screaming and crying as he yelled at me. My momma stepped in to help, and my daddy told her what he had seen. My momma then picked me off the floor carefully, like she always did, and asked me “Baby, who’s that guy you’re seeing?”

I then remembered him. Us. the scent of cherries and lukewarm feelings in the back of his car and then coffee and pancakes in the mornings. Proud hugs and romantic hugs. Late at night. Early in the morning. What is he? Is he my friend? My boyfriend? What do I answer?

“He’s my daddy.”


lolololol idfk anymore I’m all sleepy

life Random Uncategorized

I want to be Happy

Yup, I’m unhappy. I’ve been like it for a veeery long time. It’s hard for me emotionally always. I sometimes feel great about everything but the next day no more. I’m a normal gal, I go to a great school, I’m very social, I’m a high achiever. But, I want to do something more like I have already mentioned previously in some other post.

And you know what? I will. I said I would but I haven’t done shit and it’s just lowering me every day even more and more.

I want to finally do things that I’ve always wanted to do. I want to do things without anybody telling me what to do. I want to do things on my own, with my own permission. I will need help of course and I will ask for it, and I know exactly who can help me.

I just can’t believe it. I’ve had the right people here to always help me and I know they will so, why not just start and do it all?

I want to grow, I want to fulfill myself and others. I want to in general, feel and be happy.

It’s always been one of my ambitions anyways. I’ve always wanted to feel that accomplishment and I will feel it and I will keep it with me.

So uh yeah that’s it really. I just felt like saying all this ‘cuz I’ve been feeling very very down lately. Writing things down has always helped me so I chose to write this post, even though I already wrote a whole complete paragraph on my notebook on what I want to do. It’s always so hard for me to open up about how I feel.

Oh wellz.

Anyways….what will I do you wonder?

Wait for it.

Bye. 🙂

-KcHAn90 ❤