Random Random Thoughts Uncategorized

Daddy Issues

I was 16 when I got kicked out,  my daddy threw me out. I don’t know why, I guess he was tired of my shit. My mother was a hardworking woman, who I still love and visit frequently to this day. I love her, and I love my siblings, too. Sadly, I got kicked out at 16.

Daddy never liked me, I don’t know why though.

Out of the 5 kids, he never hugged me. He never kissed me. In the contrary, he would leave me alone, he would leave me out while he played with my brothers and sisters. He would yell at me, hit me, not buy me any dolls like he did with my sisters, neither any toy cars like he did with my brothers. It was sad, I was sad. I was always sad.

I grew up into my teen years, and he would try to control me. Like if he suddenly cared or something. He wouldn’t let me go out, so I would sneak out. One day, I met a dude. A handsome guy, a guy I became close friends with. He was a bit older than me, but in the end, we ended up liking each other.

A pack of cigarettes in between both of us as we lay in his car, in the cold night, gazing at the sky above us.

I loved him. He gave me love, he gave me attention. I was happy. Until one day, one day, my daddy saw me with him and dragged me into our house by my hair. He yelled “Who the fuck is that?”. My momma ran out and so did my siblings because I was screaming and crying as he yelled at me. My momma stepped in to help, and my daddy told her what he had seen. My momma then picked me off the floor carefully, like she always did, and asked me “Baby, who’s that guy you’re seeing?”

I then remembered him. Us. the scent of cherries and lukewarm feelings in the back of his car and then coffee and pancakes in the mornings. Proud hugs and romantic hugs. Late at night. Early in the morning. What is he? Is he my friend? My boyfriend? What do I answer?

“He’s my daddy.”


lolololol idfk anymore I’m all sleepy


How do Homeless Women Deal with Periods?

I’ve always asked myself this question. What do they do? Do they ask around for pads or tampons? Do they use something else? Do people help them?

So, I decided to go on the great and all mighty YouTube and search it up. Gladly, I found a video and my question found an answer.

The problem now is that, it made me feel both sad and angry at the situation. It’s hard for these women living on the streets.

The video I found was done by the channel Bustle. It interviews multiple women in New York City, USA. It is sad to see these women are worried every month because their cycle is coming or it has arrived. It’s amazing how something that women need is so hard to get for these women. Women need these feminine hygiene products every month to keep clean and to in a way “control” the bleeding. No folks, menstruation isn’t something that we can stop, it isn’t something we can decide whether or not it should happen. It’s a thing that we just do because it’s our nature and it demands to be done every month. But through these products, we can keep it under control until it’s gone.

It’s sad to know that, there are places where you can get condoms for free but not pads nor tampons.

Now, you tell me:

What’s really a necessity? A condom, or a tampon?

I understand that condoms are great to avoid STD’s and pregnancies especially in homeless people, but…I don’t know.

Seems kinda unfair in a way?

Like, a condom isn’t really something you MUST have, it isn’t a necessary object like toilet paper or toothpaste. Meanwhile, a pad or a tampon, is something that a woman needs to take care of period blood from getting everywhere or avoiding smells or infections.

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These women have been really creative using things such as t-shirts, socks and toilet paper/napkins as sanitary pads. It isn’t always the greatest option though. Like mentioned in the video, these women are exposing themselves to infections. It isn’t as clean, it isn’t as sanitary to use these items instead of actual pads or tampons, but what else can they do? What other options can they get?

I know that there are such things as Dollar Stores where they can find the things that they need and I know that in some places there is help for these women such as homeless shelters that can provide them with what they need, and some public restrooms even carry them. But I guess that every situation is different. I guess that not all of them can afford to buy from a dollar store, who knows how much they make. Some may not have access to homeless shelters, either.

But wherever these women are, may they find help. Ladies, if you see a homeless woman on the streets and she needs a pad or tampon, don’t hesitate. Give them one. I’m sure most women carry one around and if not, help them out with buying a box for them. Imagine if you were in their situation, you would want help, no?

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Appreciate what you have because there are women out there who cannot have it and have it hard during those days of the month. Always appreciate and remember to always have a helping hand. We girls gotta help each other out.

But remember: we all have to help out one another no matter genders in the end. We just have to see each other as human beings, and nothing else. If you see a homeless person either man or woman, give them a helping hand. They will appreciate it. And don’t judge them just because they’re on the streets. Don’t instantly assume they’re alcoholics or druggies, they all have a different story.

Just like we each have our life story, so do they.

Just a slightly more different. 😛

What do you think?




Dreams Random Thoughts

Do Subliminal Audios Really Change Your Body?

Subliminal audios can be found on YouTube by just looking them up. If you want to grow your hair, lose weight or change your eye color, just listen to them for 10 minutes.

That’s right- today we’re gonna talk about subliminal audios that change you completely.

What are subliminal audios?

So far, from what I have picked up, they are songs (or noises) with affirmations playing lowly under the music/noise. Affirmations are a series of phrases being said at the same time that say positive things about what you want to change so that your subconscious can pick them up and start to believe them, leading to your body doing as requested.

For example, if you want to change your eye color from brown to grey, the affirmations that will be playing under the music can say:

  • My eyes are grey
  • My eyes are beautiful
  • My eyes are changing
  • etc.

Now, you cannot hear the affirmations, which is why music is placed over the affirmations. The reason you cannot hear them is so that your subconscious accepts the affirmations, which is why music is played over them, so it can trick your mind into thinking that all you’re listening to is music when in reality- you’re listening to a bunch of phrases that will benefit you. In other words, these affirmations are convincing your mind that they are true to the point in which changes actually start to happen.

Now, there is a huge haul of these audios for everyone’s needs. From losing weight, changing your eye color, getting a deeper voice, getting smarter, getting a better memory, growing longer hair, getting a prettier nose, bigger lips, thinner lips, you name it, there is a subliminal for it.

Of course, there are testimonies for all of this, for example, this one:

This is the video that introduced me to the world of subliminal audios. Now, I would never try a subliminal for changing my eye color, but what I have tried is:

Hair growth.

And guess what? It did grow. My hair grew after listening to this one subliminal audio for about a week. Now, I don’t have pictures for it because I was just doing it out of straight curiosity BUT I am willing to go on and track my progress in my hair growth after listening to these audios.

Do they work then? According to comment sections, yes they do if you believe that they will work and to keep in mind that some people may get results slower than others. Some may get results in months while others in weeks and some in days.

Basically, keep your hopes up.

Also, you gotta stick to it. You gotta listen to these audios as much as you can and stay consistent with them.

So, what are y’all thoughts on all of this? Skeptical? Possible?

I in the personal do know that we have the power to transform everything in our surrounding, so why not interpret that as our mind having the power to transform us into what we desire?

Do you think I’m crazy or would you also try this out?

In the end, remember that us as humans, don’t understand how our minds work to the fullest. There are still things about humans that science cannot explain, and may never be able to. I think it’s good to open up to new things, to new possibilities. Even if we don’t believe, it is still good to explore, ya know? Learn something new and interesting.

I hope that this post was that something new and interesting that you learned today. 🙂

Thank you for reading.